Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mud in ya eyes

Mud fest. Chasing series points. Why oh why...? That had to be some of the worst conditions in many series'. Its not often that we get that much rain over the period of two days, and it managed to soak deeply into the ground, instead of the top centimetre like usual. That meant deep and concentrated mud, and it was getting softer each lap!

So it really wasn't much fun, the course was loose as hell, the lines got at least a foot wider through the whole course, and its only going to get worse during spring. And as a note to self and others, if anyone has the Oakley hookup and can help me into a set of race jackets with clear lenses, I'll be yours forever! The only saving grace would have to be the tyre choice (DH tyre front, scorpion rear @ 32psi), and the choice to go SS for the night. 1st tonight (thanks Jack) and 4th for the series. If only we had one more person between Erin and myself, that would have pushed up me into third. What can ya do...

The bikes are due for some serious work after this one. At least I don't have to bother with gears or brake cables, but there is still a lot of work to do... Anything that moves is contaminated.

Cannons? Not really, just muddy toothpicks.

Simon Wright (BSC), backin up from a solid 8th solo at the Jubber Land 6 hour, just 4 days prior.

And Erin, one place too high to help me out and get me on the box. But you can tell its a filthy race when you have to spray your bike just so you can ride it home!

So that was series #635. Can't wait for the next one, through the gums of Spring, as spring deosn't really have any teeth as a season. Christ I wish the washing would hurry up and finish so I can go and die.

'till next time.

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