Friday, September 08, 2006

Baby hammer...

Last night was another spring special, albeit with quite a few degree's missing. Getting home from work, and geting back out the door is getting harder these days, I almost wish they ran the race earlier in the week! Nonetheless, I made it to the race, and rode the singlespeed, mindful of the weather. Supposedly it was going to pour all day, but with the sun out, I wasn't sure on the choice of bike. Lucky for Jack and myself, we went singlespeed.

First lap, wide open and hitting all the puddles as it was the only way I was going to get a gap on the field (see results when the are posted). Anyway, it worked and I was away. Then I went bang... Warning light came on, typically I ignored it and Jimmy Maebus (Giant) caught me. Bugger... He sat up for a minute and offered to drag me around, which was fine in the single track, but the open straights were too much aboard the SS and so he continued on up the road...

I held off Jack for 4 laps, as we did about the same pace, and it was holding all stations for the rest of the race. In the rain and shitty, stinky, acidic mud. Not a great deal of fun, but some corners made up for it with full power 2 wheel drifts on the clay.

So a second place, but importantly in front of Jack, and we have a week off next week!!! Alriiiiight!!

So this is my new job, and this was office space when we started 2 days ago. Apparently we even get to put it all back together, better than new, but breaking stuff if just fine by me at the moment, even though as a pissweak cyclist I have to use the baby hammer, as I can't control the full sized job :) One day I'll grow up big and strong, one day...

Click this image and have a look at it. Its a new crysler 4WD and it looks pretty hot from the rear, not sure about the sides and front though.

No response on anyone wanting to ride to Ballarat with me tho- whats wrong with you people?

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