Monday, May 14, 2007

I've had my head trying valiantly to split in two for the past 6 days, so I finally went to the doctor... The same doctor that led to my eventual allergy to various foods, but I needed to see someone soon, so he had to do....

What a clown.....

After asking me if I smoked, he carefully noted down my answer, then proceeded to tell me that if I *was* to take up smoking, it would make me ride slower.....!!

Are you for real, mate??

So its not going so well with this guy (again) but we persevere. So we run through the headache flow chart (migrane? nope. Need glasses? nope. Irritant? Nope. Head cold? nope) and then come to a grinding halt with the revelation of "well, I don't really know what it is, so I'll give you some antibiotics and if there is anything wrong, that should fix it up. If it doesn't, well you should come back....."


But wait, it improves.. Leaving that no talent ass clown, I wander down to the chemist to fill the scrip (nothing more to lose...) and when I receive the pills it comes with a special sermon. Turns out that these pills make you more succeptable to sunburn, you can't lie down after you take them (seriously, is says so!! "Do not take immediately before lying down") and you must have them with food blah blah.

No wonder I've got headaches.... I've forgotten what was wrong in the first place!

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