Monday, September 14, 2009

I got an interesting email today about metal lathes...

I've been looking for a little while to try and find a small one to play around on, make some stuff up and fix a few things. So I got an email from an old family friend who's moved overseas and looking to move some of his old machinery.

Turns out he's got a Ward 2A capstan turret lathe, which looks something like this...

Now I know they don't make 'em like they used to, but I wonder if this thing would be a good idea for more...

To paraphrase the email I got:

...not a good first lathe.
....a few apprentices have died... safety guards etc...
...will run forever..
...still accurate...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....

Decisions decision...!

Anyone know anything about lathes??

1 comment:

ben said...

mark out a spot in your shed mate.... you NEED it... ha ha ha