The Red Baron was just screaming for a run in the bush and so we felt it would be best to oblige the big (midsize really) fellah, and into the bush we went. We did go solo, which some might say is a little against better judgement but we had the faith in the Red One, and the knowledge that there would be about 475,000 people in the bush. And it turned out we were right! We made it all the way back to melbs along a route that looked something like Melbourne- Licola - Mt Howitt - Wonnongatta Valley - Dargo - Hotham - Omeo - Benambra -Tom Groggin - Thredbo - Jyndabyne - Barry Way to the Snowy - Down the Snowy River to Nowa Nowa - Bairnsdale -Painsville - Melbourne. These are the main towns that we travelled though, the main part of our route was off road so these towns are just a guide. But here are some of the better moments - enjoy.

View from Howitt High Plains road.

Another vista, not too tough on the peepers...

A bit of imagination, and this was bloody steep and a fair challenge for car and driver, hooking up here, on Zeka Spur track, was not something we were looking to do, as remote was a suitable word to use.

Howitt Hut, these cattlemen are classy blokes!!!

The Wonnongatta Valley, a beautiful place that is ringed by steep friggin mountains and very few tracks, as well as being a damm long way from anywhere. And so, so pretty, a fact not really represented by this photo... This is the sort of place that you are honestly stuck if the weather craps out- find a high piece of real-estate as you aren't leaving till it dries out, and woe betide anyone that breaks their vehicle.
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