Yesterday saw the next fantastic stage of the deck construction take place, with the concrete stumps getting cemented into place, in preparation for the bearers and joists to go on, and the deck to get finished this side of Christmas!! Maybe... And who stole my hair?

Took the liberty to hire a bloody big, 2 man, petrol powered post hole digger- now thats how to dig hole. And we only had one pipe suffer a mischief, so thats a win in my book. 23 holes dug in record time!

And aren't they beautiful- not what you'd call straight, but all level and happy, so drop the bearers on, and away we go! Finally... Its going to be 9am beers the day this thing gets finished!

Click on the photo and have a look at this. Joel thinks I'm a sicko for taking a pic of possums rooting, but how many creatures can root upside down, hangin from a power line? Not me!!

Howling down by the bay, we crept down the coast, and roared home on a tailwind, one of those hero winds where you can actually sprint in the 53x11.

Yellow jacket boys, the only time I can shelter and get the camera out whilst I ride!

Kites are up- yep its howling!
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