Saturday, July 08, 2006

More flare than That 70's Show....

Getting sick of large amounts of mud from the smallest puddles appearing all over the svelte bodywork of the RedBaron (really, who's kidding who?), did a little research about some flares. Buying them complete was never (ever) going to happen, so it needed a bit of vision, and to steal someone elses perfectly good idea... This is what I was suggested

So I thunks to myself, I don't need shelves outside my car, silly, I need shelves inside, and flares on the outside. So by randomly picking a number from thin air, Matt my lovely assistant and hand model, used ye' olde ruler and some dead reckoning to put some 25mm flares on. And after a 2 day job, (thats what you call it when a job ticks into the next day) we have some tough as hell flares, Mr Tech Screw can now afford a private education for his kids, and the 'Baron *must* be lighter with all those holes!


And Matt has caught up to the cool kids, and bolted his girlfriends' hair dryer to the side of his engine, meaning that he may arrive at campsites on the same day as the rest of his travelling party, and its a great looking job too. If it can't be accomplished in the shed, it just shouldn't be done, and thats the end of it! (thats according to Matt. I can only dream about being so clever!)

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