Saturday after Black Rock Ride, (fast as hell, 194bpm on the flat kind of fast) I had the pleasure of visiting the Werribee Proving grounds where the Werribee 12 Hour is held, to check out the track via 4x4, as there was concern over an encroaching development. The upshot of all that is the development ain't a problem and the Red Baron goes just fine over the obstacles :) Basically we did the whole course in the truck, and it looks like the course will be wicked again, with possibly some small changes to improve the rideablity of the course.

Latest project is moving the compressor that runs the air locker to the rear quarter panel, and it s coming along quite nicely, with a carbon skinned, checkerplate mounting panel, and various relays and wiring for the compressor, fluro and rear work lights. Next projects are a dual battery arrangement and some new chairs to park our buts in.

And as a final note, f#$k the sunday roast, Em has just cooked me a four course spread for dinner, after a miserable 4 hour ride in the wet (although the company was lovely!) and moved into hero status! What a legend!! Swordfish skewered on rosemary, lemon pudding, fresh homemade tomato soup. I'm hungry again... A few of us tripped out to the Comm course at lysterfield to discover how good it deals with water, and I can report a few things...
1) The well designed course holds little to no water- can't say the same for the rest of the park. I was too muddy for even me to take out the camera.
2) 8 degree Melbourne winter days are cold, and not helped when its raining. And Avid Juicy 7's are wicked all condition brakes!
3) You CAN get sick of choc coated museli bars ( i didn't believe you, Winny), and powerbars that break your teeth.
4) There is 2 curteous drivers in melbourne, I saw them both for the first time. Waves and all!!!
5) Ground effect winter socks are awesome, but still look ghey... Can't win them all...!
And finally, we saw Molten Duke Ranch play last night, rocking out at the Old Bar in Johnson St, and played a great gig. Google 'em for more info, lovin it in the player today.
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