(Full Race story and pics can be found at Felt Racing)
Before we left for Castlemaine in the Hotel Hiace on wheels, we were strafed by a low flying balloon. I'm not sure who was more nervous, me or the clients up there...!?
Once up there at Jubba Land, we amused ourselves making giant creations from bunting, ie. transition and the associated areas, and generally making a nusiance of ourselves. Cooking up the pasta for race day was always fun on the raging fire that was in operation, making it difficult to get anywhere near it. But it was all good, a few beers, a briefly missing person (!), a lot of laughs around the fire and an early night capped off a good day, and an even better prepartaion. Oh, and Em and I had a ride around the course, but I'm not sure that moutain biking is her first love, but she did really well to get around.
So race morning, we get out of the good ol' Hiace after a great nights sleep on the carpet, underlay and mattress, and bask in the sunshine. With steam rising off most things, it was a chilly morning but a great way to bring in the new day, and what a perfect day it was.
Don't ask me where these came from... They came out of a government vehicle, so I didn't ask coz he would probably be able to kill me with his bare hands, being an expert in hand to hand combat like he is!
They all must have read the preview! There was quite the crowd up the paddock, and around to the left of shot.
Racing got underway in the method that it should. A mass start was called, and being in equal parts cheeky and rude, I plonked myself on the front row, and made up for it by winning the first lap dash, and the prize. Pity that I dug a little deep for the occasion, but the bucket of goodies is quite handy, and we came away with second so thats all good! Rolling around the course was great fun, everyone got out of the way with a minimum of fuss for all involved, I hope I was always polite as I certainly try to make an effort. The course was great, nice and short and good fun, and held up better than I expected. My arms today are a bit shite, but thats expected on a Castlemaine course on a hardtail.
Scotty C givin it some come the end of the race. Are you 15 yet Scott?? Under 18 ( I think?) and 9th in solo men...! Another mental solo case for the future -well done!!
The commentary was excellent with the most common question asked "can he keep that up all day?" The hilarity just kept coming, and Tim McGrath was bestowed the title of 'Best Hair on Course" Your thoughts? There possibly could have been a sideburns contest as well?! Tim Ferris was briefly in the lead, however with the over the top connection making it almost a beard, it means that Winny is still hangin on by the hair of his chops.
Damm boy, do you know that you have 3rd degree burns to 40 percent of your face??? (dad joke courtesy of R.Grant PtyLtd.)
Racing round and round, we got to hear some funny things out on course, but the little tech sections kept you fairly well focussed so it was when you returned to the transition area that you got to appreciate the atmosphere that was there. The commentator was excellent as mentioned, the setup in terms of transition and the team tents was perfect, a narrow alley with no room to escape the jibes and rubbishing that goes with racing. My stand out moment would have to be getting Rich Grant called to the mic and then having the entire paddock sing happy birthday at full voice, amid his protests that it really wasn't his birthday (which it wasn't, but we thought it was terribly funny. He was just pissed because he didn't think of it!!)
Which of course had to be followed by Niall breaking his seat post, going through an normally amazingly tough g-out, with his feet off the pedals (why??)- no permenant damage done to the bits, but the seatpost is now scrap!
But thats all for now! The enduro series is staying real close, so close that we can't afford to miss a round, and there is only one to go. The dirt crirt series has been basically wrapt up by Jack, so now I'm on the hunt for the best place I can get, so come down on Thursday and see me go 10 to the dozen to get placed as good as I can. Other than that, more pics when I get 'em, and drop back soon!
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