Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sand pit

Out to the desert for Easter this year, with some people keen to explore a new area.

Snacking on lunch and waiting for the midday rush. It never came.

Such a big sandpit always meant you had a comfy seat.

Rare to get a shot outside of my truck. With someone generously meeting us up there with a couple of motorbikes, I got a day out of the car to go and play!

Big Dune sure lives up to its name, with our little camp looking quite insignificant from on high.

Jenson watches and waits patiently whilst the others scale the mountain.

Giving the deadfall a little trim, to provide all the comfort we need.

A big sky means big colours. This lot was trapped down by the horizon sadly, but I still snuck a peep.

Just doing the washing...

Running the triple oven arrangement for a great feed.

And then the moon rose...

The view atop Big Dune was worth the many walks up we took. A bit of creative mobile phone flash work painted some ugly faces to capture the moment for posterity. Yet another awesome trip to the land of sand, and the home of the big sky. Ready to go again!!

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