In the tradition it seems, of never getting a deck built, we were away again this weekend. This time we did a loop from Melbs out to Traralgon then Licola, Jamison, Woods Point, Warburton, and home. Rolling up on saturday here to meet the others with a stinker of a hangover wasnt the best start, but far better than suffering in front of the telly. And with a forecast of snow and 5 deg. it was looking like a fun weekend of getting stuck in the mud.

Bewildered by the squiggles, they all stared, expectant that the magic eye would reveal itself.

Lake Glenmaggie looking a little dry around the edges, apparently about 9% capacity. Looks pretty sad, and also extremely scary when you think about the stumps that are present when we crash wakeboarding later in the year!

This was the first frustrating moment of many. Aidan's truck slipped down the road whilst driving along, indicative of the slippery nature of GODAMM clay! I hate that stuff. Good for pottery and thats about it! So with the first snatch we got both trucks slipping down the road. Second snatch we got both trucks stuck enough to re-evaluate our approach. And on the third attempt, we found that by spinning the wheels and 3 people pushing the car sideways was enough to get the car to move and not slip into the car munching hole again!

Gold! Thats just gold... Who takes the time to make this crap!!? There was a bunch of them too, I'll gradually post them up over time.

Hotel Red Baron. All set up and ready for the heavens to open. The green 'awning' (poor mans tarp) is getting a bit tired after a gale force night in Jindabyne, so we should be investigating another more sophisticated design in the future.

Digital cameras are able to take decent photos, much to my surprise as well! Next time I'll take the tripod and maybe get some better stuff.

The view from out the tent door. Its really not too hard to take, is it! Gee we live in a beautiful state, sometimes you just have to travel a little further to realise it...

Waiting for Aidan, I was contemplating how luck I was to get up this far. Although it looks dry, I tried in 2wd, 4wd and low range with locker before I managed to get this far... Aidan and his racing slicks were going to suffer...

And sure enough, they did. We ended up joining 4 straps together to give us about 32 metres of strap and did a brutal pull up the hill, which 'had' to work as we'd been thwarted getting out of the valley at every other exit. But we made it, bootfuls of wellie not withstanding, but with no breakages, a little bit of wheel-strap tangle and a sprinking of luck!

And other things were sprinking as well! SNOW!! :)

The leetle trucks in the snow, up around Mt Skene.


And you can imagine the fun we had going back down the other side! Lots and lots. Snow is fun. That is all.

How she survived without permenant neck damage on the drive into Woods Point is just beyond me, let alone how someone can sleep on a single lane road, cliff on one side, river on the other, and twisting and turning like the AWB/Cole inquiry. Pure sleep power!
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