Thursday, July 13, 2006

HumVeee- Is the Poo in town?

GV RaceTech was fortunate enough yesteday to visit the Rock Shox service centre yesterday to work on some of the team forks that needed a service, and its a pretty slick looking setup. So Jason now has a sweet set of forks that are ready to rock again!In case you all hadn't noticed, its been bloody cold of late, and I for one am sick of it. And it doesn't help when Rohin keeps sending updates of riding through France and Italy, and watching the Tour each night until god-knows-what o'clock whilst watching them sweat and tip bottles of water over their heads. In my rant, I'll also confess to hating the 15mintues it takes to put on every piece of windproof clothing I own, make sure lights are charged, drink freezing water and get worried about rain. Every time I ride. Over it. So whats on this weekend? Off to Buller for more cold wet riding... What the? Looks like there is a glorious 13cm of snow, so its on the bike we go... Its my interpretation of Le Tour, just colder and wetter, and with less spectators.

This bad boy was posing on the side of the road whilst I was having a miserable ride along the beach, so I had to (convienently enough) stop and take a pic. Really, why would you bother, they weight shitloads, have an enormous engine that guzzles more fuel than the Russian Federation of States, and look like a slab on a rollerskate.

And in the RedBaron adventure, a handy donation of a cargo barrier has been recieved and then promptly cut to fit the truck. With a handy few inches subtracted off the sides, the screen should fit handily in the back, hopefully stopping the influx of gear into the front of the cab during sillyness. Now all that needs to happen is the mounts to be attached- yeah, simple as that.... Also, PVC pipe water carrying tanks, my latest project- stay tuned!

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