Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Ben "I'm getting recognised from the internet!!" Randall, giving the best skid of the day!

The poor Pajero was well and truly stuck, with water up to the front seat. The young bloke had borrowed his dad's car, and on the urging of the small bloke in fluro on the right, had driving it fair into the deepest rut around...!

After it was pulled out, the doors opened and the puddle exited the car as best it could, taking all manner of stuff with it, like melways and the like!

It was a full redneck snatch to get it to come out, full noise in low range on the slick clay, but we got it after a few tugs. There was water in everything too, and there was no way it was kicking over until it was dried out.

Matty L gave a half assed attempt at a skid...

1 comment:

Bellie said...

Ben would ride it!